Programme of the XXIIIrd COSAC, Versailles
(last update : 29.09.2000)


Sunday, 15 october 2000

Arrival of delegations

Guided visit in French and in English of the Grands Appartements in the Ch�teau of Versailles will be organised for those who wish at 16.30.

19.30 : Departure from hotels by coach.

20.00 : Presentation of audiovisual entertainment in the Salle du Congr�s and visit of the museum " Les grandes heures du Parlement ".

20.45 : Cocktail dinner party in the Galerie de pierre near the Salle du Congr�s, hosted by Mr. Alain Barrau and Mr. Hubert Haenel, chairmen of the Delegations for European Union of the National Assembly and of the Senate.

Return to hotels by coach.

Monday 16 october 2000

8.45 : Departure from hotels by coach.

9.00 : Registration of conference participants.

9.15 : Opening of the conference in the Salle du Congr�s.

Adoption of the agenda.

9.30 : The French presidency of the European Union
(intergouvernmental conference, european social agenda, charter of the fundamental rights…)

Opening speech by Mr Lionel Jospin, Prime minister

Debate with Mr Pierre Moscovici, European affairs Minister

11.00 : Coffe break.

11.15 : Continuation of debate.

12.30 : Suspension. Group picture in the Salle du Congr�s.

12.45 : Lunch hosted by Mr. Christian Poncelet, Speaker of the Senate, in the Galerie des Batailles of the Ch�teau of Versailles.

14.45 : Implementation of the area of freedom, security and justice.

Opening speech by Mrs Elisabeth Guigou, Garde des Sceaux, Minister of justice.


16.30 : Coffee break.

16.45 : Parliamentary scrutiny of EU affairs : in the members States, in the applicant States

18.00 : Resumption of debates. Return to hotels by coach.

18.00 : Preparatory meeting of the chairpersons (article 10.4 of the rules of procedure). Return to hotels by coach.

19.00 : Departure from hotels to Paris by coach.

20.00 : Dinner hosted by Mr. Raymond Forni, Speaker of the National Assembly, in the h�tel de Lassay in Paris.

23.00 : Return to hotels by coach.

Tuesday 17 october 2000

9.00 : Departure from hotels by coach.

9.15 : Enlargement of the European Union.

Opening speech by Mr Hubert V�drine, Foreign affairs Minister.


11.00 : Coffee break

11.15 : Review of draft contributions.

12.30 : End of XXIIIrd COSAC.

13.00 : Lunch hosted by Mr. Alain Barrau and Mr. Hubert Haenel, chairmen of the Delegations for European Union of the National Assembly and of the Senate, in the apartments of the Questeurs of the Senate in the Ch�teau of Versailles.

14.30 : Return to hotels by coach.


A guided tour of the Parc of Versailles and of the Grand Trianon will be organised for those who whish to do so (1 hour and a half). Return to hotels by coach at 16.00.
