Italian Chamber of Representatives
EU Policies Committee
Comments on draft contributions for the 25th COSAC
The EU Policies Commission feels that the COSAC must convey a clear and resolute message to the European Council of Laeken that national parliaments need to be involved in the reform processes launched by the Declaration on the Future of the European Union.
In this sense, the EU Policies Commission feels that the contributions of the Italian Senate (first line), the Portuguese National Assembly and the Swedish Parliament (item 3) stress the importance of having national parliaments involved in the debate on the future of the European Union in preparation for the upcoming IGC in 2004. However, this role should be defined more precisely, namely:
The contributions presented by Italy, Portugal and Sweden seem to perceive parliamentary involvement as being limited to debate with no active participation in the decision-making process. Only the Italian Senate suggests a Convention, although it does not define its corresponding composition or duties.
The EU Policies Commission would like the COSAC of Brussels to resolutely affirm that a Convention composed of actively involved national parliaments needs to be created and that such a Convention must be given decision-making powers in relation to EU reform projects.