Draft contribution from the Swedish Committee on EU Affairs:



Draft COSAC contribution from the XXV COSAC in Brussels to the institutions of the European Union


  1. COSAC once again expresses its strong support for the enlargement process of the EU and calls on the Parliaments and the Governments of the Member States to take appropriate measures so that the ratification process of the Treaty of Nice is completed as soon as possible.
  2. COSAC also calls on the European Commission and the Council to make all the necessary efforts in order to fulfil the commitment of the European Council of Göteborg to complete negotiations by the end of 2002 for those candidate countries that are ready. Furthermore, COSAC urges the Parliaments and the Governments in the candidate countries to make, as soon as possible, all arrangements necessary for the implementation and enforcement of the aquis communautaire.
  3. COSAC emphasises the role of Parliaments in the debate on the future of the European Union. The significance of active parliamentarians during this debate must not be underestimated.
  4. COSAC underlines the important role of the national Parliaments in policy making, in influencing the decision-making of the EU-institutions and in the scrutiny of new EU legislation. It urges the Council to observe the recommendation of the Helsinki European Council to remove from the Council agenda any legislative item that has not been prepared by COREPER by the end of the week proceeding the week prior to the Council.
