email: [email protected] (remove�XXX from the e-mail)
fax: +32 2 230 0234
Mr. Yves Carl (Luxembourg Parliament)
email: [email protected]�(remove�XXX from the e-mail address)
Tel: +32 2 28 40733
Mr. Jan Nico van Overbeeke (Netherlands Parliament)
email: [email protected]�(remove�XXX from the e-mail address)
Tel: +32 2 28 31243
Mr. Richard McLean�(House of Lords, UK)
email: [email protected]�(remove�XXX from the e-mail address)
Tel:�+32� 2 28 31496
Mr. Dionyz Hochel (European Parliament)
email: [email protected]�(remove�XXX from the e-mail address)
Tel: +32 2 28 43133
Mr. Morten Knudsen (Permanent official)
email: [email protected]�(remove�XXX from the e-mail address)
Tel: +32 2 28 43386
Click�below to see the the Document establishing the COSAC Secretariat (adopted in Rome in October 2003 at the XXXth COSAC)�